The Sensuality Empowerment Show
The Sensuality Empowerment Show
Mangala Holland - Empowering Yourself Through Pleasure
I have the pleasure to bring back a woman I love and respect. Mangala is on a mission to help women become empowered through loving themselves fiercely, celebrating their s3xuality, and overcoming the fear, guilt and shame that keeps them playing small. She is supporting women all over the world to discover their power through connecting to their pleasure and their bodies.
We cover SO MUCH in this interview. I have loved watching Mangala’s journey over the years and more recently, releasing an free on series for women called Vagina - Pussy & Vulva. She has some credible guests on this show, offering practical solutions and tools to help release shame and to love your body. Its real and raw conversations - so that you get the necessary wisdom it takes to experience orgasms, get in touch with your body, and release the shame that holds people back in life. So delicious! I can’t wait to watch this.
This interview is a great reminder that simplicity is the key and we don't need to over stimulate our nervous system, especially when we not feeling motivated or desirable. Mangala offers some great advice to come back to our body and pleasure, when we are feeling stuck or disconnected.
So many great tips and advice for women, I am sure this will be a conversation that will resonate to many.
Information on Mangala's facilitator training program:
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